Dry Eye

Dry eye is an irritating condition that some patients tend to treat with continual over-the-counter eye drops.  What these patients do not realize is that chronic or severe dry eye can be a serious condition that needs medical assessment.  Appropriate lubrication is necessary for clear vision and the health of the front surface of the eye.  Chronic dryness should be brought to the attention of your eye doctor.

Tears are produced by glands around the eyelids and spread across the front of the eyes when blinking.  The excess fluid is drained into the sinuses through drainage ducts in the corner of the eyes.  The tears not only act as lubrication but help wash away foreign bodies, prevent infections, and clear the surface of the eye.

Natural tear production can be hindered by many things.  Certain medications, age, wind, dry climates, air conditioning, riding in planes, bike riding, or even prolonged computer use.

Occasional or just a mild case of dry eye can be usually be relieved with the over-the-counter eye drops (artificial tears).  Medical treatment may be needed in more severe cases.  Call 972-924-8889 to have your dry eye assessed as soon as possible.  The best course of treatment will be determined to stop the discomfort.