Scleral, Soft, Gas Perm Contact Lenses

To wear contact lenses, patients require a different type of exam.  The exam is in addition to the comprehensive exam, but still simple, requiring extra measurements for contacts to fit correctly.  An incorrect fit can damage your eyes.

The measurements for vision with eyeglasses are calculated approximately 12 millimeters from the eye.  For contacts, the corrected vision is determined directly on the surface of the eye.  These measurements are very different.

Your prescription will also determine what category of contact you will need, such as toric to correct astigmatism, multifocal or bifocal lenses, or monovision lenses.

After Anna Eyecare determines your prescription and fit, the patient decides on another type of contacts they wish to purchase.  There are many choices, including colored lenses (to enhance or change the color of your eyes), extended-wear, or daily disposables.

Daily and extended wear lenses require different cleaning and care routines.  Extended wear can be worn overnight, but daily lenses must be removed before sleeping.  Cleaning routines and wearing schedules need to be diligently followed to prevent eye infections or injuries.

Contacts are a fantastic alternative to wearing glasses and are chosen by millions of patients every year.  Let Anna Eyecare get you fitted for a set of contacts today.